First Time
This website exists because we want you and your family to join us. You don't have to wonder if we want new people to gather with us. WE DO!! After your visit be sure to visit the Next Steps page to see how to continue to connect with us and with Jesus.
What to Wear
We want you to wear what you want to wear. There will be people in jeans and others in suits and dresses. We want everyone to feel welcome. We are focused on Jesus, not on clothing.
When to Come
Our Sunday Morning Worship Gatering is the best time for your first visit. It begins at 10:50am and ends about 11:45am.
Where to Go
We are on Main Street beside the Lincoln County Court House in Stanford, Kentucky. Most people enter the doors on the courthouse side, closest to Main Street. Go up the steps and we will welcome you.
What About Kids
We know that kids make noise. They don't always behave and that's okay. We want your kids to be at our church. If you want to take them, nursery and toddler classes are available during Sunday Morning Worship Gathering. Junior Church is a fun class, which releases halfway through our worship gathering, for kids PreK - 5th grade to learn about Jesus and how to follow Him.